Our magnificent Dessert Buffet displays come with your choice of 6 sumptuous desserts. Our Desserts are "The Talk of the Party.
Minimum of 50 guests
Call to Order 281-660-6019
The Ultimate
Dessert Package
Fountain with 4 Dipping Items
Dessert Buffet with 6 desserts
Cookie & Brownie Trays
Coffee and Iced Tea
$14 Per Guest
The Decadent
Dessert Package
- Fountain with 4 Dipping Items
- Dessert Buffet with 6 desserts
$11 Per Guest
The Miniature Delight
Dessert Package
Fountain with 4 Dipping Items
Dessert Buffet package with your choice of 6 delicious and delicate Gourmet Miniature bite-size Desserts
$9 Per Guest
The Express
Dessert Package
Chocolate Fountain
Cookie & Brownie Trays
Fresh Fruit Trays
$5 Per Guest
Trays & Beverages
Cookie & Brownie Trays - $2
Fresh Fruit Trays - $2
Cheese Trays - $2.50
Coffee and Iced Tea - $1.50
Price Per Guest